Monday, March 26, 2012

Dead Can Dance - A Passage in Time

Normally, i wouldn't do something as tacky as posting compilations (yes i find it tacky, as compilations are typically rather tacky and pointless) but, this one will have a purpose. For those that know me, musically, i am not very diverse. I listen to metal about ninety nine percent of the time and well, not much else appeals to me. Lately though i have made the decision that i should at least take a peak out into the world of music that is non metal, as i don't want to miss out on other forms that could have some form of impact on me. For many years i have been aware of the existence of Dead Can Dance hell, they started even before i was born. I'll admit what made me want to take more notice was that people i respected, and yes, were also metalheads, seemed to be big fans of their music. So after a few years (i am quite the procrastinator) i figured what do i have to lose. I purchased a few of their albums, this being one and at the time i was not even aware that it was a compilation but i have to admit after many listens, i cannot even describe what an impact it has had on me. It provided me an insight on what they have done over the years with a decent amount of material to be found here, leading me to check out individual albums and so on and so forth. So the entire point is, i am posting this for people who have, like me until a few months ago, were not fortunate to have heard any music by Dead Can Dance, and are maybe looking for something new. Something of amazing quality, something that will change their lives and make a positive impact because no matter how hard you try, you cant be metal ALL the time.

and i hope for one day a saviors arms

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