Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weakling - Dead as Dreams

Seriously, what would this blog be without the pioneers of what the kids these days are referring to as "Cascadian Black Metal"? Ever wonder whom the mighty Wolves in the Throne Room were inspired by, even as much as to have a similar looking band logo? Yeah, it would be San Francisco's own, Weakling.

The United States have caught a ton of shit over the years for having less than decent, uninspired black metal. In some instances that's probably true. But what we have perfected in the States is this Cascadian Black Metal style which no one else can match. Sure, one could easily argue that artsy environmentalist vegan hippy types have no place in the black metal scene and probably make a decent point. That aside, these tree-hugging dirt bags can play inspired, quality atmospheric black metal that will put you in a fuckin trance. Oh yeah... This is the REAL shit right here.

Sadly, this is Weakling's only full-length offering with most of the members abandoning the project to chain themselves to trees, join PETA protests, save the whales and read coffee shop poetry to women who don't shave their legs. Ok, that last sentence may or may not be true... Either way, check this out or you shall not be spared!

eeewww.. dirty hippies!

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