Low-intensity/high volume training raises cortisol levels, reduces testosterone and GH levels, causes harmful oxidation, and can disrupt immune system function and cause whole body inflammation, which is an anathema to any hard-training motherfucker who's ever considered moving into a cave to revel in their hatred of the human race and lift insane amounts of weights while wearing a fur loincloth and banging a similarly-clad cave girl. ( Daly et al, De Vany 100, Faigan 267) If that's not your cup of tea, running might be, as is hemp clothing, "Kumbaya", and any food product composed of soy. Given, however, that low intensity exercise like jogging is our hormonal Anti-Christ, it makes sense that we do what we're really suited to- alternately walking and sprinting. (De Vany 98)
On second thought, there's no reason a cave girl should be clothed at all.
Sprinter Dwain Chambers seems to have gotten a hell of a lot of anabolism out of his sprinting workouts.
In the aforementioned training guide, Triathlete's workouts rely tremendously heavily on intervals, which they classify into four categories:
- speed- very short, high intensity workouts to increase speed
- lactate- longer, medium intensity workouts designed to increase aerobic capacity
- threshold- longest interval sessions with much lower intensity "sprints" designed to increase overall mental and physical endurance
- power- generally very similar to speed workouts, but with added resistance (either changing the gear on the bike or increasing elevation to build strength
Sprinting does a body good.
Benching- 3x9
Bench-like movement- sets of 2-6 totaling 30-50 reps
Body weight upper body movement done for what we call ASAP- usually 60 reps DIPS ASAP. so 60x1, 30x2, 15x4, and so on...
Back work
ME movement where they would do doubles and eventually just work up to heavy doubles...more of DE day ending with heavy lifts.
Heavy barbell hamstring movement- sets of 2-6 until 30-60 total reps is met. usually we used dimmel dls, rdl, clean pull with shrug, anything like that with a bar.
another hamstring movement for reps- ghr, band legs curls, reverse hypers
"Fatigued run" 2-4 half miles.
Tues-Run Workout
Half mile with 40 pound vest for men, 25 for women
ME bench movement-
Barbell movement 2-6 reps
Heavy body weight movement- dips, pushups, hand stand push up...trainees must add resistance and perform 2-6 reps until reaching 30-50 reps
Thurs- Squats and Running-
20, 15, 10 in the back squat and run 400s in between
Box squat- doubles, light
Repeat of Monday
no running.
Saturday morning- optional 5k
Although he failed to mention them, I think it's safe to say there were likely handstands and dozens of cameras involved in each workout.
He's gotten tremendous results out of this Crossfit-esque combination of 5/3/1 and running, though I would not recommend it for the average strength trainer, due to the fact that "same day training impedes development more than concurrent day training of strength and endurance."(Zatsiorsky 166) This is due to the fact that the conflicting demands placed on your musculature during a combined endurance and strength training session impede the body's ability to adapt. This, in turn, may lead to a decrease in muscle fiber size, which is a big bag of bullshit. (Ibid) Obviously, for the military types listed above, improving their musculature was not priority number one- endurance was.
Frankly, I could give a fuck about endurance training, as I move quickly through my workouts and detest running. Should you find it absolutely necessary to do some endurance training, make that training intervals, as they kick the fuck out of traditional, steady state cardio... no matter what a pack of filthy, scrawny Indians might have to say otherwise.
... and if you're planning on doing endurance training so you can outrun shit, you might as well make yourself strong enough to beat it with your fists and feet. Bears can outrun you, and can outclimb you as well. As such, spend your time lifting weights and fuck all that running nonsense.
And for those of you who were bitching, fear not. There shall be no more cardio posts. The next two will be a continuation of the Find A Way Forward and one on Captain Kirk.
Couture, Randy. Xtreme Training
Daly W, Seegers, Rubin DA, Dobridge JD, Hackney AC. Relationship between stress hormones and testosterone with prolonged endurance exercise. EUR J APP PHYS. 2005 Jan 93(4):375-380.
De Vany, Athur. The New Evolution Diet.
Di Pasquale, Mauro. Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete: The Anabolic Edge
Faigan, Rob. Natural Hormonal Enhancement.
Fitzgerald, Matt. Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week By Week Training Guide
Tabata I, Nishimura K, Kouzaki M, Hirai Y, Ogita F, Miyachi M, Yamamoto K. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1996 Oct;28(10):1327-30.
Zatsiorsky, Vladimir. Science and Practice of Strength Training
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