Friday, April 15, 2011

Fueled by Fire - Spread the Fire

Despite this album coming out in 06, and me seeing it in my local music store ever since then, i avoided it. Most of the thrash revival stuff bored me to tears and i was pretty much over it. Until last night when i finally decided to give it a listen for some unknown reason, its actually pretty good, theres much potential here that i have heard they have used on their second full length that came out last year. Man, mexicans sure love their thrash, its become a stereotype i think, like black people liking chicken. Ok, i went there, but no racism was intended, i really do love mexican metal bands in fact many of them are among my favorites. As far as the music goes, i dig the vocals quite a bit, Rick Rangel invokes his inner Paul Baloff and does it well. Riffs get the job done, nothing too exciting or original but the energy is there and i appreciate that. Solos are sloppy but thrash was never about technicality anyways. The real standout here though is the drummer. he is actually surpisingly tight, and can play fast while still keeping time, which is something i always look for in any band. Im eager to hear their 2010 effort as previously mentioned, i heard it destroys this one. Oh, and you gotta love the cover art, looks like one of the band members beating the living shit out of some goth fags. Awesome.

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