In the first installment of this series, I outlined the various groups of women in history who in no way sucked. In fact, they were downright fucking hardasses, and would've spat upon Snooki right before cutting her throat and belittling and beating to death the coiffed "men" standing around her. Frankly, the women of the ancient Sarmatians or Spartans (and possibly Picts or Etruscans) would have been the manliest thing standing in most football stadiums during an NFL game- they were badasses the likes of which modern men only dream of being, and of which most modern women couldn't even conceive. The "fairer sex" should fear not, however, as there's hope for you yet.
Apparently, society is fully backing you guys up on throwing on some pants and showing the "men" around you how shit gets done. Recent articles in nearly every rag on Earth have heralded the death of machismo and manliness, likening maleness to a vestigial organ like the appendix. As such, women are stepping in to fill the shoes of their weakened, libidoless, eunuchs of husbands at home and in the workplace. Not surprisingly, they're aspiring to have more "boyish" physiques as well- according to a recent study comparing the desires of women in the 1950s against those today, "1950s women aspired to ideal hips measuring just over 35 inches, while modern women wanted hips of less than 31 inches but larger waists than the 1950s women." (Gartland) Amusingly, men in the same study wanted to have much smaller bodies than their 1950s counterparts, which seems to fall in line with the whole women-taking-over trend that feminists and testosterone-deficient men have been yammering on about for 20 years.
There's nothing like a hot chick with blue paint on her face engaging in wanton slaughter.
I guess, then, that there's never been a better time for chicks to hike up their skirts and bust their asses in the gym. Oddly, I'm still hearing from the guys who run my gym that most women are terrified of gyms wherein they see people actually lifting weights, and they've encouraged me to invite chicks to the gym. Given that I live in a city filled with obese chicks who are obsessed with consumer products and television, you can imagine that I've not been even marginally successful in helping them out. Nevertheless, I think that most chicks would be a hell of a lot happier, healthier, and generally awesome if they dragged their asses off the recumbant bike and started deadlifting, since it seems to work wonders for those who do.
Take, for instance, Hilary Swank. We all saw her in The Next Karate Kid (a fucking travesty if there ever was one... until the "Karate" Kid was set in China with the fucking idiot kid learning kungfu from Jackie Chan) where she was some skinny and exceptionally annoying chick trying in vain to learn how to kick some ass. A brutal weight training regime and strict diet later, she's gained 20 lbs of rip and looks like a legitimate badass onscreen in MIllion Dollar Baby. To get there, she didn't lift light weights and mince about the gym on some bullshit cardio machines- she lifted reasonably heavy and busted her ass in the gym... and got an awesome physique to show for it. In a further departure from what most chicks would consider doing to get ripped, Swank frequently ended her workouts by pushing her trainer's SUV around the parking lot, strongman-style, and ate a 4,000 calorie diet that consisted of little more than meat and protein shakes, keeping her carbs under 50g a day.(LA Times)
Though I've no idea if the trend-bucking Swank spent much time on the scale, her similarly built acting compatriot, the insanely hot Jessica Biel, does not. Biel, who caused any person of any gender to dry-hump their hand with the desperation of a death-row inmate in Blade Trinity, works out 6 days a week, eats an organic diet that's your basic "healthy" low-calorie diet, is content to bust her ass in the gym 6 days a week and diet like a motherfucker, but goes by the mirror rather than the scale to gauge her progress... a habit of which I think most chicks would do well to take note.
Buff chicks have been in the movies for some time now. I'd imagine for most of us, the buffest chick we'd ever seen growing up was Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. For that flick, Hamilton trained 3 hours a day, 6 days a week, doing a combination of lifting, cardio, fighting, and training with Israeli specops. She fully adopted the take-no-shit-from-anyone persona she carried through the film and became a legitimate badass, true to the model that the feminists purport to be that which is taking over in modern society.
Lest you people worry, it's probably not necessary to give over your entire life in the pursuit of becoming a modern day amazon if you don't want to. Though I've got no hard facts on how often she works out, the 2009 World's Fittest Female, Tanya Wager, is a PE teacher by day and Crossfitter by night, and has a sick body to show for it. Additionally, she strict presses 100 lbs and deads over double bodyweight, which is impressive for someone who isn't a traditional strength athlete.Crossfit appears to be nothing but a collection of hot girls and shirtless guys in board shorts, but it seems to work. Who the fuck knows how they get anything done, but I guess orgies burn a shitload of calories.
To the men reading this article, find a way to get your fucking test levels up, already, and for fuck's sake, don't be Japanese- "The latest biennial survey found that 36.1 percent of Japanese males between the ages of 16-19 said they had no interest or even despised sex, a jump from 17.5 percent in the 2008 study." Additionally, "40.8 percent of married people [in Japan] said they had not had sex in the past month, up from 36.5 percent in the 2008 survey and 31.9 percent in the 2004 survey."(AFP)Sources:
Gartland, Fiona. Women Now Aspire To a More Boyish Frame.
Los Angeles Times. How three actresses buffed up.
"Young Japanese losing sex drive: govt." AFP.
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