Monday, October 18, 2010

Navami, the 9th

Middle-age of the festive-being. The last day before the goddess takes off for her hilly, snowy abode. Navami is the day when people clamour to get the best among their yet-unworn outfits out of their wardrobes, when they are all but spent and the little energy left is carefully expended drop by drop on the last, precious bits of pandal-hopping. Crowd-wise, it's there on the list second only to Ashtami, since Navami is when lazybums like me realize that Pujo's almost over and there is still-repeat, STILL- a lot of pandal-hopping to do.
Navami's meet-up spot was Rashbehari- again one of the most convenient, accessible and common points in the city. Pandals visited were: Badamtala Aashar, 66 Pally, Mudiali, Shivmandir and Lake Youth Corner. Then of course, we tripped off to Maddox. Maddox, as usual, was abuzz with frolicky youth on the look out for hotties, and wonderfully-dressed localites whose outfits we could ogle for hours on end. We bought the usual bhopus(indigenous flutes, bubblewaterthingyinpinkplasticbottle, cigarettes and tea. And following that, it was the regular carnival. :)
At Maddox...

Me, Srooti and the wall ;) Lake youth corner.

Ananya and me, Maddox...

Deba, me, Ananya and Srooti: Mudiali.

Mallika and me at Maddox.

66 Pally. Glass and cellophane art, umbrella lamps and colours.

Lake youth corner: Jute boats.

66 Pally

Badamtala Aashar: How neighbourhood houses bask in reflected glory

Shivmandir: Gunny bag art

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