Well, the bottom line, what I'm trying to tell you tonight,
is that evil...eeeevil... is necessary.
Evil is necessary, thereby, if it's necessary, evil...
- Evil... - ...must be good.
Evil is good.
Brigands, thugs, hooligans, scoundrels... anti-heroes and anti-heroines. That's who grabs the fucking ring at the top of a mountain after three movies consisting of nothing but a shitload of walking, punctuated by brief periods of sobbing and a hell of a lot of Liv Tyler not being shirtless, not some fatass and his pre-pubescent shitheel friend- that shit only happens in godawful movies and overly-long, badly written stories. This is why the Punisher and Batman's sales will always beat Superman's, and why the white knights of the interwebz will continue to remain unlaid- no one fucks a nice guy, and few people will follow a "nice guy" anywhere but to church.
Funny how none of the pacifists in The Chronicles of Riddick got any vag, but Vin Diesel couldn't wipe his ass without the hottest broad in the movie following him into the bathroom and asking if he needed help.
Ever notice that comic book characters clench their fists more than Channing Tatum clenches his jaws while trying to figure out how to get a single human emotion to pass across his robotic, crunk dancing face? There's actually a pretty fucking good reason for that hand clenching- other than looking cool, it makes the clencher stronger. Experiments show that physically gripping something boosts your endurance and mental willpower. This phenomenon hasn't just been restricted to a single study of meta-analysis of Jason Statham movies, who clenches his fists and bunches his shoulders better than anyone- rather, it's been proven in a whole series of experiments. In one, they found that people could endure pain twice as long (in this case, from holding their hands in icy water) if they squeezed the holy fuck out of an object with their other hand at the same time. Another study found that the same could be applied to people trying to exhibit a modicum of willpower when making food choices- if they rolled into the store with their shoulders bunched and their fists clenched like they were summoning their inner Hugh Jackman meets Ambrose Burnside, they were far better at resisting the urge to buy junk food. Take note, those of you with shitty willpower- if you just act angry as all hell at your bodyfat when ordering a meal, you're far more likely to eat like a machine and hate yourself into looking good.(Daily Mail)
It works for some.
Behold the dawn of a new type of preworkout supplement.
Testosterone... rising...
Apparently, Benny Podda was onto something with the whipping.
Finally, for those of you who think that all of this anger is going to "burn you up", as posited by Powers Booth in Red Dawn, studies have shown that anger is actually a healthier response to external stimuli than fear. According to researchers, people who responded to the World Trade Center attacks with anger-filled outbursts were much more optimistic later on, and another study found that people think better and more logically when angry rather than scared.(Lerner) “Anger can sometimes be adaptive. We’re showing for the first time that when you are in a situation that is maddening and in which anger or indignation are justifiable responses, anger is not bad for you.” This means that whenever you're driving, reading the poisonously insipid thoughts of ill-bred minds online, walking, speaking to someone in public, or brushing your teeth, you are actually doing yourself a multitude of favors by descending into a maelstrom of hate and destruction the likes of which the world hasn't seen since the gods destroyed Japan. All that hate's not going to burn you up- it'll keep you warm, increase your protein utilization and give you a better sex drive. Additionally, hate sex is great sex, so you'll have that going for you as well.
Anger is a gift, just like this fucking movie
In my search, I did find one thing that both men and women should try to avoid before hitting the gym, and it's not just marriage. As I blogged before, marriage has a deleterious effect on testosterone production, but even more pronounced than that effect is that which occurs when a man holds an infant. (Mirkin, ) Women, too, might want to avoid handing small children before hitting the gym, as this effect could manifest in them as well, and because "women with high levels of [testosterone] are judged more attractive by themselves and others" in addition to possibly being more sexually active with more partners. Additionally, studies show that in women "T [is] significantly related to "aggressive dominant behavior"" and that "the women's self assessment of their own status was positively correlated with the hormone" in studies on testosterone and aggression in women. As such, it's best to do everything you can to maximize your test levels whether you're a man or a woman. I'd recommend latex gloves when handling babies, but I doubt that'd do you too much good. In some cases, it's unavoidable, but you can utilize some of the above strategies to cleanse yourself if you can't avoid baby-handling- and frankly, it gives you a damn good reason to hit up porntube.
Proof: Batman is cooler than Superman
Maybe it's time to add a "get hammered, eat some meat, have a fight, and have wildly kinky drunken sex with a stranger" day (aka Viking Day) to your program.
Anderson CA, Carnagey NL, Eubanks J. Exposure to Violent Media: The Effects of Songs With Violent Lyrics on Aggressive Thoughts and Feelings. Iowa State University and Texas Department of Human Services. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 84, No. 5.
Bradt, S. "Strength in Naughty or Nice". Harvard Gazette. 4/19/2010. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2010/04/strength-in-naughty-or-nice/
Bushman BJ, Gibson B. Violent Video Games Cause an Increase in Aggression Long After the Game Has Been Turned Off. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2010
Dabbs, J. M., Jr., Carr, T. S., Frady, R. L., & Riad, J.K. (1995). Testosterone, crime, and misbehavior among 692 male prison inmates. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(5), 627-633.
Daily Mail. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1321939/Tensing-muscles-helps-summon-willpower.html
Lerner JS, Tiedens LZ. Portrait of The Angry Decision Maker: How Appraisal Tendencies Shape Anger’s Influence on Cognition. J. Behav. Dec. Making, 19: 115–137 (2006). http://content.hks.harvard.edu/lernerlab/papers/files/Lerner%20Tiedens%20-%20Portrait%20of%20the%20angry%20decision%20maker%205.06.pdf
Mazur A, Booth A. Testosterone and Dominance in Men. Behavioural and Brain Sciences. 1997. http://cogprints.org/663/1/bbs_mazur.html
McDermott R, Johnson D, Cowden J, Rosen S. Testosterone and Aggression in a Simulated Crisis Game. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 2007; 614; 15.
Mirkin, G. Does Marriage Affect a Man's Testosterone? http://www.drmirkin.com/men/testosterone.html
Net Nanny. http://www.netnanny.com/learn_center/article/117
Salvador A, Suaya F, Martinez–Sanchisa S, Simona VM, Brain PF. Correlating testosterone and fighting in male participants in judo contests. Physiology & Behavior Volume 68, Issues 1-2, 1 December-15 December 1999, Pages 205-209
Stephens, R. et al (2009). Swearing as a response to pain. NeuroReport 120: 1056-1060.
Taylor CA, Manganello JA, Lee SJ, Rice JC. Mothers' Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children's Aggressive Behavior. PEDIATRICS Vol. 125 No. 5 May 2010, pp. e1057-e1065.
Williams, M. Ph.D. "Sexual Compulsivity." http://www.brainphysics.com/paraphilias.php
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