Monday, August 10, 2009


I made a sock creature for a friends birthday, then got a great idea to make...

Sock Fox

Haha! He is cute! I listed him at blackforestcake.

There is a quirkiness built into sock monkeys. Judging from every one I have ever encountered, there is bound to be some interesting flubs, lumps, and weirdness that makes each sock monkey its own. They naturally have that kind of unique wonkiness that people who make hip, handmade stuff often try to fake. haha! I think I will make more. Its fun!

The one I made for my friend is a prototype, and is still secret. Its a little less "cutesy" and a little more "evil." I am working on the design a bit more before revealing it.

Now I have to go lay in a wilted puddle on the floor. Melt.

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