The following is the only shoulder exercise you'll ever need for brutal shoulders and traps. Forget what douchey bodybuilders will tell you about needing to isolate the various heads (really? does anyone actually think they can isolate their various muscular heads in their delts? If you believe you can, I've got some Russian Bear weight gain powder to sell you).
Behind the Neck Push Press/ Push Jerks
There's no official name for this exercise, insofar as I know, but what I do know is that
- given a choice, strongmen will do presses from the back rather than the front
- you can push a hell of a lot more weight this way, and your strength is not dependent upon wrist flexibility, like it is in presses from the front
- Marius Pudzianowski does them regularly. Nuff said.
Set up like you're going to squat. Get under the bar, set your grip evenly with whatever's comfortable, and set your feet shoulder width apart. Then use a considerable amount of leg drive to start the bar's motion, lock out the bar with your head pushed forward, and then return the bar to your your traps. When dropping the bar back to your shoulders, remember this: if you misjudge, you will either drop it on your head, which hurts, your neck, which hurts for weeks, or too low on your shoulders, which can wreck everything from your brachialis to your shoulder girdle and your traps. Thus, start out light, figure out your groove, and don't be a hero your first time out. Once you get the hang of it, you'll start wrecking shop with the big boys.
As for sets and reps, this is my absolute favorite exercise for singles. Thus, start with singles to get the hang of it, and then start hitting up some singles in a 15x1 fashion, with your rests as short as you can manage. This exercise is an absolute man maker, and can change your entire physique if you bust your ass at it.
Just say no to lateral raises.
Now playing: Killwhitneydead - If It Ain't Johnny Cash, It Ain't Country
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