Saturday, August 29, 2009

Addictions. (Well, if you insist.) :D

Heck yes. Music.


The Pit v.3 was held on the 11th this month. Exclusively Extreme Metal Gig in Kol.

Brootal would be a bloody understatement. If it weren't for this entire underground Metal subculture scene, Kolkata would be severely lacking as far as the music is concerned. While on the other hand, the very existence of Pit, the series of Metal gigs that has been unleashing pure mayhem, mosh-mania and fury... or, in other words, for us Metalheads of Kol, adrenaline fun... has nearly given us something very close to the full dose of live shit we need!

The gig began at 2 and went on till 8.. which was SIX WHOLE HOURS of brutal chop-chop kill-kill smash-smash energy pumping rush! I missed the first 2 hours because of an exam but then headbanged for four hours STRAIGHT. And not plain up-downs mind you, I windmilled and 360-degree-d and fullbodied for the whole fourhour trip. :D We were right in front of the stage, around the moshpits and for people who're regular gig attenders, this generally is THE place to be in... The moshpits were brilliant, the crowdsurfing FUCKING slayed.. we literally had fat Metalfreaks falling on top of us while crowdsurfing... and synchronized headbanging = kvltEST!

Four hours later, we realized both our necks AND our throats had screwed themselves over... one for the windmill-headbanging, and the other for the screaming-along-with-the-bands. In dismay then, we resorted to Emami Fast relief, more cigarettes.. and then... THE stuff, aka, weed!! THEN we had a lot of beer at a friends place, lazed around...
...and returned home at 12. :P
[PS: The good thing about weed is, it is such a friendly drug/or non-drug. :) sigh. Hence we've been smoking up a BIT too regularly these days. :P ]

Bleh. Here's to Metalheads reading this blog then... Keep. Fucking. Supporting. Metal.

And our Pit Ist Krieg. xP Why else would I be willing to proclaim that the terribly stiff, sore neck and crippling body-ache that lasted for one whole week following the darned event were TOTALLY WORTH what we experienced at the event? :D


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