To this day, I have no idea what the fuck was going on with that gay Viennese dude behind me. He clearly intended to slip me roofies and try to play a little game we like to call "Just the tip" (just for a second, just to see how it feels) at some point in the evening. I escaped with my anal virginity intact, however. Or, at least, I think I did.
Hit two PRs (personal records) yesterday- 605 on the deadlift and 385 on reverse grip bench. I expect to break 400 on bench within the month, which will be a hell of a thing, especially if I do it with a reverse grip. I'd post a vid, but my lifting partner only managed to capture the setup, so I'll have to wait for the next time I hit a pr.
An amusing anecdote from this week of milestones was that my ex-girlfriend declared it "unhealthy" to have 5% bodyfat if you're not a bodybuilder. There was no mention of why, just an emphatic (and wholly incorrect) assessment of my overall health. Odd, especially given the fact that she wants to be a Redline girl.
Hitting 5% bodyfat the same week one deads over 600 for the first time is not something you can do with a conventional program. This is why I am spreading the gospel of ChAoS and PAIN.
Death to our enemies.
Now playing: Dr. Acula - Say Cheese And Die Again
via FoxyTunes
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