Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hail To The King, Baby- There's A New King At 181

... and his name at Jamie Lewis.  I haven't posted this week as I'd been cutting and traveling for the APA Power Frenzy at Iron Sport.  After a retardedly horrible cut to 181, I lifted raw (no belt, no wraps) and posted what will be the highest total of any 181 pounder who's currently lifting, and 2nd on the all time list.
Miserable, exhausted, starving, and dehydrated at 186, three hours before weigh-in.

My attempts were:
Squat- 545, 585, 605, 615 (4th)
Bench- 335, 355, 375(missed)
Deadlift- 565, 605, 640, 655 (4th)
Total: 1600 on third attempts, and 1625 including the 4ths.

- Previously, WC Waldron was the #1 squatter with 606.
- Previously, Alex Tertisky was the #1 ranked Total with 1598.

The whole thing was streamed live online, so vids of my attempts will be forthcoming (set to "Suck My Dick" by DJ Valentino for the amusingly shittalking-prone internet powerlifting community).  Until I can get those, here's a random pic of me Steve Pulcinella posted on Facebook.

As for my prep, when I'm not exhausted I'll follow up with a basic synopsis of my training and diet, which boils down to "squat and overhead press 6 days a week.  Repeat."  I will mention that I've not deadlifted once since last year.  Instead, I squatted, shrugged, and overhead pressed.  Hence the ridiculous legs and traps.  

Can we all now agree Smolov and Sheiko aren't the end all be all?  That'd just be awesome.

Until that day, motherfuckers.  Go lift something heavy and stop staring at your computer.

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