Monday, June 27, 2011

Manes - Under Ein Blodraud Maane

Fondly looking back at this debut release from Norway's Manes, I'm reminded of the high hopes I had for this band. Actually, it all started when I heard their debut "Maanens Natt". These guys had a sound and attitude that would rule the black metal world one day... Or so it would seem. I read the old interviews in the fanzines back in the day and the macho posturing of this band was second to none. For Manes was "true black metal" and "everyone else were posers" blah... blah... blah... etc... etc... etc... Such bravado was typical in the early 90's scene.

So... What happened?

After this incredible debut they switch musical direction completely and morph into some sort of avant-garde, electronic, jazz, trip-hop rock band. "True black metal" my ass. The later releases are something people either love or hate. Experiment with them yourselves. For now; I'll just post the only release from this band I care for. And I care for it a lot.

Not to be confused with the band Manes that eventually became Ved Buens Ende

Under Ein Blodraud Maane

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