Sunday, April 25, 2010

Partial Squats are the Shit

Well, apparently I can't count, and it was 525, but the depth was good and had I not been sweating my fucking cock off, that would have been far easier. As you can see in my progression over the last few months (the first two vids are from the first two weeks of Jan), dieting and doing a shitload of retardedly heavy partial squats, Paul Anderson style, has definitely paid dividends.

Additionally, I dropped the bodyweight days and started doing two a days for the last two months, doing the Bear in the morning and then a seriously heavy lift at night , or on light days (when I was too sore to do anything useful), doing 20-30 mins of arms, neck, and calves twice a day has paid off. Who says lifting 11 times a week will make you smaller and weaker? A pack of lazy, lying motherfuckers, obviously.

"There's no such thing as overtraining- just undereating and undersleeping." - Barbarian Brothers

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