Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Iron Sport Gym. Best Fucking Gym in the Northeast. Go there.

1.  It's is run by Mr. Incredible, who also happens to be a WSM competitor and Master's Highland Games National Champion.

2.  The gym is ridiculously well equipped.  He's got every Atlas Stone you could want, logs, chains, bands, and tires up to ~1000 lbs.
3. He's surly enough to compete with Red from That 70s Show, only funnier, and he might eat your children.
4.  No one will say shit if you slap the fuck out of some retard curling in the squat rack and accidentally pee on him, so long as you use the retard to mop up the pee.
5.  For all of you WWE marks, all of the WWE guys lift here when they're in town.  I've met Tony Atlas, Mark Henry, Kane, and a bunch of other guys I cannot even name because I stopped watching WWE in 1986 (TNA is the shit though).  The WWE guys are cool as fuck, however.
6.  There are national-level competitors and champions in bodybuilding, strongman, and powerlifting who train there, and they're all cool as fuck.  If you want to learn anything at all about training, that's the place to do it.
7.  It's not Planet Fitness, Gold's, Bally's, or any of the other chromed, cookie cutter, horseshit gyms populating the planet and driving real fucking gyms out of business.
Tell me he doesn't look like Mr. Incredible

So why am I bringing this up?  I'm bringing it up because there's currently a fucking holocaust going on in the gym industry, and every one of you motherfuckers who lives within 45 minutes of a real gym but trains at a bullshit gym out of convenience is no better than a jailer at a fucking death camp- you suck.  In your short-sightedness, you're consciously bringing about a future in which your choices will be limited to shit and suck, and you'll have to buy all of your equipment yourself, or risk setting off the lunk alarm upon entering Planet Fitness every day.  Stop fucking sucking and join a real gym- don't let these gyms die off because you want to save a couple of bucks on gas.  Your physique and future generations will benefit greatly from the tiny bit of extra effort you have to expend training at a real gym.
A real gym
So, Paul, get your fucking ass over to Iron Sport and stop being a bitch, and take some people with you.  This fitness bullshit has got to be stopped.

Awesome gyms where I've trained:
Iron Sport Gym Philadelphia, PA
SC Barbell Columbia, SC
Top Gym Vienna, Austria
Powerhouse Gym San Diego, CA
Some shithole gym in the middle of campus at Renmin Daxue Beijin, China

The rest, like World's in Tucson and Black's in Cleveland, are fucking closed, because people are assholes and don't support real gyms.

Feel free to add to the list in the comments, and if you're not training at a good gym, find one.

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