Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer. (Also, pics, more pics. And some MORE pics.) the ePIC pic journey!

Sooo. This was summer for me:-

Having an AWESOME time with an AWESOME group of pals... Sleepovers, LOADS of cigarettes, LOADS of tea-bar addas, loads of rooftop(or otherwise) booze, and booze plans.

Getting out of a damaging relationship.

Also, graduating with a 67% in English hons(and scoring a 70% in this sem!! woohoo!! yes. for all ye ignorant people, 60% in the Arts is considered good, 65% very good, and 70% woohoo material...) from one of the most prestigious English departments in the country, and definitely THE most prestigious English dept in the city... Came in the top ten of the batch... :D PLUS, I get to write a B.A. after my name now~!! -BRAG BRAG- Here's to JUDE! Cheers!!!

Getting into Masters in the same University! Looking forward to the two optional papers I've selected for MA first sem(apart from the two core papers)- Death in the Western Civilization!! (Major gothdom expected!!! xD And AND AND Course co ordinator is Supriya Chaudhuri, one of my favourite profs! yay!!), and Image and Text!! (which'll focus primarily on graphic novels{including Sandman and Persepolis} and Manga!!!) -does an impromptu jig-
Looking forward also to two whole years of fun, hanging out, birdwatching, junkiemonkeying, Metalhead-ing, guitaring, partying, cribbing, gossiping, crying, laughing and dating!! But most of all, looking forward to a fresh new start, with new people, new beginnings and new outlooks. :) Some relationships really do come with an expiry date... and when they reach it, you start getting suffocated, and that's when you know it's probably good for everyone in the scene to just tie up the ends and close the book. Other relationships are meant to last, for the better or for the worse, or even for the boring-er. Whatever it is, I hope more relationships in my life last, that I can accept more people with their shortcomings, and that my boredom threshold and getting-irritated threshold don't remain so fucking SMALL. :P

There have been just a handful of days, or even less than that, when I've NOT been out with friends. I laaik. ^_^

Mayoori wishes to thank Moyna and Murgi and Kowwni for all they've done for Mayoori!! Life's changed, and... if it hadn't been for these people, I wouldn't have been in the mood to type this post out. You guys have been there, and we've all individually been through turbulent times... And in the end we've decided to come out of it alive...together! :D Cheers!!!

On the whole, summer's been fun and interaction, turbulence and learning, decisions and knowing, changing and exploring. Summer's been a change. And I daresay a MUCH much needed one. (:

And here. are. the summer interlude pics! (PS: these are snaps of only three of our FoolingAround-Days. [Look at our outfits :P, you'll know]... I'd have needed an aeon to upload ALL the snaps... of ALL the days...)
one of the many canteens in Ze College!!

mallhoppin'. me with annie!

chaa bar.

me. chaa bar. our favourite hangout space as of now...

our beloved ledges. on a HOT day. (PS. DON'T ask me about that hairband!! It's been my saving grace throughout summer... You have NO clue how terrible the sweat and heat is in Kolkata, and you have NO clue how thankful I am to something that keeps my fringes/bangs off my face!

blue brigade plus a motley. from left, kanny, me, srooti, annie.



babyface contest. with kanny.

jadis and rdsherlock. ze bloggers' night out with ze gemelina!!

the world through a carnival mask!

with reema. and cornetto...

with sruti. don't remember where...

the world behind them... :P

the furies!!!

the glares that were too large for my face.. -sob sob-

Also, here are some amateurish collages I did without photoshop... :'( Will have to reinstall that saviour! Please click on the pics!! Fullview plz!

Summer also saw family parties and weddings. Here be partypics.
woohoo for vodka in wacky plastic glasses!!!


yes he's really my lil bro. and yes im really smiling that stupid grin...


i WON'T give a caption to this one!


mom and cuz.

us ^_^

royal couch and royal-er hooligans! me with cousins...

dinner time babay...

weird face contest again!!! with bro and cousin.

chyaang dola. that's me favourite lil cousin...

rahul. (:

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