Wednesday, June 3, 2009

*Dude, So and So Got SO Fucking Jacked For That Movie!

Everytime I hear someone say that an actor got jacked for a movie, I chuckle inwardly. they make it out as if that guy got HYOOOOGE for the film, when in fact, every single person who got "jacked" or "ripped" for a movie only did the following- built bigger shoulders and traps, and got leaner. That's it. It's not rocket science. The key to having a badass build is that simple- just bust your ass on shoulders, traps, and abs, and make sure your diet is tight as hell.

Ed Norton in American History X:
Shoulders and traps, and not a hell of a lot else.

Brad Pitt in Snatch and Troy:

Shoulders, abs, and traps.

Hugh Jackman in Wolverine- Nothing but shoulders and traps.
I think my point is made, but you can look to Ryan Reynolds in Blade Trinity for more evidence, or even the astonishing shit show that is Brandon Rausch in Superman.

Getting there is easy, and you might want to give it a try for the beach later this summer.

This part is ultra simple. 5 day keto runs with a carbup on the sixth day. Nothing spectacular. Just keep your carbs at or below 5% of your total calories for 5 days, and on the 6th day, eat 60% carbs, 30% protein, and 10% fat. If you want to, and you're feeling good about your fat loss, have a cheat window on that day as well. Keep it to three hours, on the dot, but enjoy. Many times, I will keep my carbs low all day, as well as my fat, and then have the cheat window, follwed by a couple of shake-only meals.

The workout:
Day 1:
Push Jerks (behind the neck push presses with leg drive to get the bar moving) 10x3
Front Squats 10x3
Weighted Pullups 10x3
Keep the rest periods to 60 seconds, and use a 5 rep max weight for all sets.

Day 2:
20 minutes of nonstop bodyweight exercises. I like ab wheel, pullups, and dips.

Day 3:
High Pulls 6x5 (7RM weight, 60 sec rests)
Weighted Dips 6x5
Back Squats 1-2 sets of 3 minutes of straight squatting. I use 135lbs for this, usually.
Abs and calves

Day 4:
Light arm supersets, usually overhead tricep extensions & reverse curls, followed by cables. I keep my rests to 15-30 seconds. Then, I go with more ab wheel.

Day 5:
Back squats 15x1 (3 RM weight, 45-60 sec rests)
Strict Military Presses 4x8 (10 RM)
Shrugs 8x3, 6x1 (5RM and 3RM respectively)

Day 6:
Anything you want. Get in anything you think needs more work.

Day 7:

After 6 weeks of this, you should be ready for the beach, given a reasonably decent starting point, haha
Go get you some Daniel Craig-type ass!

Now playing: The Acacia Strain - JFC (Jesus Fucking Christ)
via FoxyTunes

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