Friday, February 13, 2009

life etc.

ok so this is Feb the 14th..valentine's day blah blah... i mean we're not even an hour into V day and what happens is your ex-(pseudo)bf wishes you and someone in similar lines sends you online roses... [insert nasty grin here] whattefun man...wonder what'll come to pass during the rest of the day eh.
basically i suddenly felt like i HAD to rant unplugged and what better place to do it in than my poor ol' blog. [insert caustic cackle here]
yes so life ain't goin' nowhere for some reason...spinning out of control more like.. in the past few months i've discovered qualities in me that i'd never known existed.phooee. [insert yawn here]
So yeah today, or rather yesterday, which happened to be Friday the 13th incidentally was icky pink day at Jadavpur University Department of English aka JUDE aka my we all wore pink to college. ;D [insert gleeful radiance here]
And I gave my pending treat to my bestest friends...
here be pic (pink + red + pre Vday + treatplace)...

No points for guessing. Half-face-hidden creature is yours truly aka Jadis, and the mommy creature is reema aka boka. (Sorry panudebo, you guys sat against the LIGHT. no decent pics therefore. :| )
and then i went to BCL(British Council Library) and found i'd been charged a 56 bucks fine.hawhaw. and then i had to wait to meet personwhomakesonewait.
talking of that then, read panu's post here(read feb 11th post. i can't figure out how to link it up coz it has no title...techretardalert).

oh and just coz i have nothing else to talk about
this is my current orkut display photo

and this the tagline:
'yea i'm a one-eyed-cyclops emo-parody freakshow. now piss off, you, or you'll be one too.'[insert snarly-angry face here][insert impish grin here]

yay to lameness.

oh and you. breathe.

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