Sunday, February 22, 2009

*Fluidity in training

So, my new job requires a shitload of lifting and carrying, which adds a great deal of volume to my total work. How, then, should I modify my training to accomodate this new workload?

I'll tell you. the Bulgarians train between 7-9 hours a day, 6 days a week. this is brutal weight training, sticking between 70% and 990% of their ME the entire time. As such, it should be no problem for me to conduct 8 or 10 hours of lifting and carrying for the day and follow it with weight training, right?

This past week, I found that my energy was solely lacking when I hit the gym, and I dragged myself into the gym after a nap with about 45 minutes to train. though it seemed to me that I would lie to go light, given my total workload for the day, it occurred to me that the most prudent course of action would e to lift as heavy as humanly possible for the 30-45 mins I was there. That way, I taxed my CNS and hit the fast twitch fibers as hard as humanly possible, while still achieving a high overall volume over the entire span of my body due to the repetitions and duration of lifts that I performed during the course of the workday. As such, it was not necessary to modify my workouts drastically, as I simply needed to focus on hitting the highest percentage of my 1RM possible in as short a period of time as possible, thus activating the fullest span of muscle fibers possible.

Chaos and Pain can work with any activity level, and every skill level. they key is to remember the words of the Barbarian Brothers:
There is no such thing as over training; just undereating and undersleeping.

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