Sunday, August 3, 2008

Behold the face of God!

\James Hetfield/
Owns all!!!!

Happy Birthday Jaymz!!!!!!!!!
'Tallica Forever!!!

For the readers, these are some examples of how Hetfield (onstage) connects with fans. Enjoy...
****To a bottling (read misbehaving)fan--
''Hey,man....we cant play properly with all this shit flying around.Do u want us to leave?''or-Goodbye asshole,goodbye!

****After Disposable Heroes version is done,James goes''You like that song??!!Left my c.d player at home.Haven't listened to my albums in ages.''

****James is notorious for forgetting his lyrics. Hilarious lyrics fillers come in the likes of-
''Guilty as charged,
But damn it, it ain't right,
someone else controlling me
Death in the air,
Strapped in the electric chair,
I forgot the fucking words....''

****Before a really loud song,James indirectly requests the audience to mosh and headbang.He goes like,''You ready to get movin' out there?''

****''A lot of faces I've seen before,man,good good!"

****James asks "Do u want more ?"
Crowd screams ''yeaaaaaaah!"
James - "You greedy bastards!!''

James :"Fuck!"
crowd :"Fuck."
James :"Suck!"
crowd :"Suck."
James :"Cunt!"
crowd :"Cunt."
James :"Slut!"
crowd :"Slut."
James :"Your mother!!!"


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