You've all seen the movie, and you can all quote it ad nauseam. Luckily, this blog entry's not about swing dancing, as i've not got a zoot suit and have no interest in conducting ballroom dancing acrobatics while listening to the soothing sounds of notable musicians like the Cherry Poppin' Daddies. Instead, this entry is about an exercise I started doing because I enjoyed it far more than Gibbon pullups- Swingers.
I think I just found my new gym.
Doing this exercise is pretty simple- you do a regular pullup, release the bar with one hand, swing out as far as you can, and then swing back, grab the bar, and do another. To increase the level of difficulty, you can change your grip from supinated to pronated, which will shift the emphasis of the movement slightly and increase the difficulty of the movement considerably.
Shortly after you start trying these things, you'll understand why I do them. They're fun as hell, you get to swing around like a fucking chimp by one hand, and you radically increase your grip strength. I'd venture to guess they'll help your regular pullup, as well, and at the very least will provide you with one more exercise with which to allay any boredom you might have when you're hitting the gym 5+ times a week.
Start swingin', because they're money and you don't even know it yet.
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