Off topic, but I couldn't find my pic with her, but this was the outfit. Fucking retarded.
- It's a pretty fucking important factor in training. Just how important is it? That's a matter for some debate. A quick google search yielded this nugget, which seems to echo the Weider crowd's opinion on the matter - "According to International Federation of Bodybuilders (IFBB) Professional Figure athlete Rachel Cammon, as much as 80 percent of extreme hypertrophy, as seen in bodybuilding competitions, can be attributed to the athlete's diet." Interesting. So, this genius, and many others in the physical culture community, believe that nutrition is 75-80% (depending on the source) of what will ultimately lead to speed, strength, and good body composition. That's fucking absurd. You can have the most impeccable diet in history, but if you're sitting on the fucking couch all day long, you're still going to be weak and look like shit. It's idiots like this fucking retard that get people quibbling over dietary intake and failing to apply the same assiduous attention to the gym, and they end up sucking at the end of the day. This just in- the guys who sat for the sculptures in ancient Greece and Rome didn't have access to protein powders, NO Explode, or any of the other happy horseshit with which you see everyone hideously preoccupied these days. Instead, they had heavy shit to pick up repeatedly, which they did. Same goes for the Eastern European lifters of the last 50 years- Bulgarians got ripped to shreds smoking constantly and drinking like fish, and eating a traditional diet that's 2x less than that of other EU members, which is still far less than us. Now, does that mean you should eat whatever the fuck you want and try to out-train your diet? Unless you can devote 8 hours a day to training, I wouldn't recommend it. It does mean, however, that no matter what some douche tells you in an article on T-Nation or, diet is not the most important factor in building muscle, gaining strength, and getting lean. You want to look like you lift, and be able to flip over small cars for a goof when you're hammered? Then lift, and eat as cleanly as you can, when you can.
- Remember that just because some marketing asshole says it's good for you, doesn't mean it is. Thus, skip the Balance Bar and eat just about anything else. I'd generally recommend beef jerky and some nuts, if you're in a pinch, but if the choice is a hamburger or not eating for 6 hours, EAT THE FUCKING HAMBURGER. It's far easier to burn off a couple of calories than it is to regain muscle you lose in an impromptu fast because the food choices don't fit your metabolic type. You're not the fucking Buddha, and this isn't a fucking sit-in, so cast aside any notions you might have about asceticism in the face of shitty food and make sure you get 40-70g of protein every couple of hours.
- Chicken is not the only fucking protein source out there. Pavel and I don't agree on much, but we agree on this. I read a hilarious anecdote about him eating with a guy a few years ago, and the guy ordered chicken tacos, and Pavel got pissed. He glared at the guy and said "Eating chicken makes you weak." Then he went on to tell the guy that whole eggs are good for two reasons- they're excellent for helping you build muscle and strength and they keep chickens from being born. Try eating beef- it's more nutrient dense, it tastes better, and it's what Milo of Croton would have recommended.
Maybe the kettlebell's just a weapon for use on chicken-lovers.
- Whey is a waste product of the dairy industry, and they've marketed the fuck out of it. It's not magical, and it's not the best protein source. It's not even fucking close. Leave that bullshit to the idiots at GNC, and save your money for a blended protein, rather than blowing it on triple-ultra-heat-denautured-hydrolyzed whey. I've been loving Gaspari's Myofusion
recently, as it's an awesome blend and it tastes fucking awesome, but I've been a big fan of shit like Matrix 5.0 in the past. Just make sure it's a blend, so you get a steady release of protein over time.
Leave the whey to Little Miss Muffet.
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