Thursday, December 10, 2009

*Nate Green... I Knew He Was a Douche, but A Copycat, too?


I apologize, my fuckers, for the long delay in posting. I shall be posting a bevy of beautiful, badass blogs befitting a brainy behemouth such as myself soon. This one's getting posted out of order, as I've been working on three that are post-dated, but I had to jump on this as soon as I saw it.

Ever heard of Nate Green? He's a T-Nation author and has penned a spectacularly douchey book about lifting weights so you can pull hoes in the club- kind of a cross between the Game and some Men's Fitness Book. He's got a new article up on T-Nation, and after reading it and marveling at the fact that he's a professional author, I clicked the link to his blog, scrolled down, and discovered that not only does Nate Green read my blog, he cuts and and pastes it into his own as well, hahahaha. Last March, I posted a blog entitled "Yo Dog! I Wanna Look Like You. What Supplements Do You Take?" Nate must have loved it, because he rewrote it, badly, and turned it into a massive plug for shitty Biotest products that would only be purchased by people with far more money than they have good sense.

He looks like a gay Neil Patrick Harris. Except that NPH is gay, yet looks more manly.

Want some highlights?

I posted:
"Certainly, one of the most annoying questions ever posed to me by strangers is this: "What supplements do you take?" Not "Damn, bro, what kind of program are you on?" or "How many times a week do you squat?" or "what program will work best for me?" Instead, it's "what supplements do I need to take to grow/shred/whatever." It's a fucking disgrace. Supplements hone a physique, polish a physique, and assist your training. they are not the end all, be all."

He posted:
""Don't fucking worry about it right now. Follow a program, train consistently, eat good quality food, drink water, and get some sleep. Do that for a year or so and then come talk to me about supplements."

Sure, it's not the nicest response but what's a guy to do when he's asked by tons of beginners who are looking for the next "get-jacked-in-four-days-using-fucking-Acai-berry" pills?"

I recommended the following:
Greens- They help alkalize my pH, since my diet is so acidic, and my workouts are so brutal.
Psyllium Husk- Paleolithic people got 100-150 grams of fiber a day. I'm not trying to hit that number, but I want to get at least 50g a day for the health of my digestive tract.
Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes- Also great for keeping the digestive tract healthy, especially given the ridiculously high amounts of protein I consume.
Dessicated Liver- Filled with B-vitamins, and it covers the paucity of organ meats in my diet.
Milk Thistle- Cleanse the liver from binge drinking and supplement usage.
Animal Pak multivitamins- Best. Multi. Ever.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids- I don't eat fish, so I take this for leaning out and mental function.
Adrenal Caps- Help the adrenal glands recover from stimulant usage.
Mixed protein powder- I like the slow-acting blends because they leave me less hungry. Big fan of Matrix 5.0's Cookies n Cream.
Whey protein powder- I have whey for post workout, and it's a cheap way to bang back some protein.
Ultramet- I love this MRP, and it's a great way to get protein, fiber, and MCT.
ECA stack (ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin), or the ECY stack- Best way to get lean. Without question.
Redline Extreme- Huge fan of it as a preworkout boost, especially stacked with 25 mg of ephedrine. It's got a decent amount of Beta-Alanine in it as well, which helps with the vascularity and the pump a bit.
Oh Yeah and Supreme Protein Bars (the Almond Fudge Brownie and Peanut Butter Caramel flavors, respectively)- Great way to get a portable 30g of protein that taste good.

He recommended:
Protein Powder

Fish Oil

Concentrated Vietnamese Goat Liver
HIS JOKE SUPPLEMENT WAS EVEN FROM MY LIST. Holy fucking hell, folks, we have a winner on our hands! In a blog a couple of days before, he also espoused the use of fiber supps and digestive enzymes, which I also conveniently listed AT THE BEGINNING OF MY LIST. That he aped both my writing style, the order in which I addressed them, and mocked dessicated liver is astonishing and disheartening, given that he's 150 lbs of manscaped douche, and I'm 190+ lbs of brutal fucking midget.
Viking style.
Previously, I found Green distasteful simply because he lifts weights solely as a means by which to pick up chicks. He does this, presumably, because he's never had an original thought in his head and is probably a horrifically boring conversationalist as a result. Unless, of course, you feel like talking about Biotest, trendy clothing, or the best way to pluck your eyebrows to look manly, yet alluring. Now I find him to be even less original and more of a douche, which is shocking given the fact that he maxed out my douche-o-meter with his book.

Did I mention that he is a regular twatter? Ave fucking maria.

Since he's ripped me off, I suppose I should do the same in turn. How about some fashion advice?

Here's how I dress, nearly every day:

Baseball cap from Target

Camo shorts or jeans, also from Target

Death metal band tshirt, preferably with the sleeves removed

Vans or Nike Frees

The total cost of this outfit is likely less than half of what Nate Green's jeans cost, which is nice, because I can look like I ate sheet metal for breakfast, comfortably lift in my street clothes when the weather's nice (I NEVER lift in jeans, unless it's to prove a point to Mike Barcelone at Iron Sport), and still have a shitload of money left over for wings, Diet Coke, and my biweekly trip to the movies. Plus, chicks dig it, it's comfortable, and it's metal as fuck. There's my fashion advice. You love it.

Do me a favor and slap the fuck out of some manscaped douche at the gym today. Make the world a better place and get them the fuck out of our gyms.

Nate Green might be from Jersey.

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