Saturday, October 24, 2009

*I Like To Break A Mental Sweat, Too.

ChAoS and PAIN isn't just a workout regimen. Nor is it just a programming style. It's a lifestyle, a way of life, and a desire, above all, to transcend the modern human condition. In order to achieve this goal, one must know what the fuck one is talking about. As such, it would stand to reason that you might want to read something. I'm well known amongst my friends and family to NEVER be without a book, and I would recommend to anyone not fully immersed in the Facebook/Twitter/Myspace mental midgetry that pervades modern society to do the same. To this end, I'll give you a list of books that I like for physical culture and nutrition to get you guys on the right track. I encourage you to read at least one or two of them, as they're seminal works in those two fields, in my opinion.

With no further ado, ranked in terms of total awesomeness:

  1. Metabolic Man, by Charles Wharton - fascinating synopsis of a wide array of metabolic typing systems, from D'Amato's horrible commercial bullshit (Eat Right For Your Type), to the Ayurvedic method, and everything betwixt them.
  2. Better Than Steroids, by Warren Wiley- awesome bodybuilding dieting book that details the three hour cheat window, keto runs, and a variety of other fun shit.
  3. The Metabolic Typing Diet, by William Wolcott- the best of the best in terms of metabolic typing systems.
  4. Neanderthin, by Ray Audette- seminal work on Paleolithic dieting, and better than Cordain's mass market shit.
  5. Food is Your Best Medicine, by Henry Bieler- treating medical conditions with food. Interesting concept, and good overall read.
  6. Warrior Diet, by Ori Hofmekler- Ori's a fucking loon, but a badass loon.
  1. Dinosaur Training, by Brooks Kubik- incredible book about lifting like a man. Kubik's a decent writer, and definitely knows his shit. Not the best looking man on the planet, but a guy I'd drink with while mocking the pastel-colored polo-shirted weenies around us.
  2. The Purposeful Primitive, by Marty Gallagher- details a lot of programs by elite lifters like Anderson and Coan, in addition to mixing in some random esoteric spirituality, stories about hiking, and personal anecdotes.
  3. Science and Practice of Strength Training, by Vladimir Zatsiorsky- dry as shit, but it is the backbone of my training volume.
  4. Serious Strength Training, by Tudor Bompa- I've read this book several times and remember nothing of it but the author's name. As I read it years ago, though, and deemed it worth multiple reads, it has to be worth at least a casual browse.
  5. Power to the People, by Pavel Tsatsouline- I doubt Pavel and I would agree on much, given his kettlebell fetish, other than people should stop being pussies. That, however, is enough to recommend this book.
General Awesomeness (aka BUY THIS FUCKING BOOK)
  1. The Super-Athletes, by David Willoughby- anytime you want a reason to man up, this book can offer you 2,987,623,487,623,486 reasons why it'd be a good reason for you to have done so YESTERDAY.
This nerdy motherfucker, Lauren Cohen, is a USAPL ranked lifter, a competitive strongman, and a HARVARD PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS. Cowboy the fuck up already.

Now, go read something.

Now playing: Anthrax - I'm The Man (Def Uncensored Version)
via FoxyTunes

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