Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lil clay things

No, I haven't died.

I just took a mini-vacation.

Maybe it was a bit longer than I expected, but circumstances called for it. I guess its finished now and I am working on a few projects all at once...


This is one of the things I am trying. Sculpey!

Its a really easy product to work with. It feels a lot like plasticine, but bakes hard in an oven. I am experimenting with building little wire armatures, and baking each little item more than once, building up layers. Its fun. I think I could use a few more tools though...

The real purpose of making these wonky little things is so I would have something cute to paint. Sculpey actually comes in tons of colours, but since I was going to paint everything, I just used the normal artists "Super Sculpey."

clay 2

You can see my little items are in fact little.

I know some people get REALLY good at making tiny objects, and it can take years. While researching it I saw a ton of amazing creations... I have a lot of ideas for things to make, but they all revolve around the idea that I will paint them, so I have to do this test batch of little things to figure out the mechanics of that. Making little clay items is super fun, but if they look like a kid did them after they are painted (like they do now) then I am abandoning the experiment.

So the first watery coat of primer is on (that is what you see in the photo) then I will probably sand them a bit, then paint and seal with varnish. Crossing my fingers it will alllll work out. I might declare this weekend a "working weekend" where I just watch movies and drink tons of coffee and make stuff.

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