Saturday, April 25, 2009

i ran away to the Lake at 9 in the night,,,

I'm the only one right? The only one that'll take all your shitload of mental turmoil and fuckedupness for you and carry them? You.

I'm the only one you can pour it all on. Do you ever notice I try to smile through it all and care back and hold you close and say 'It's alright. Smile now.' ?
You say you have glycerine coursing through your veins. When you hold me and kiss me do you even wonder how tired I am? How tired of all the emotional draining, of all the pain you hurting yourself brings...?
My punk love, the world ain't your SCREWYOUSCREWAUTHORITY punk playground. Wish I could make you understand that... Neither am I your AngryTeddy. [But hell YES, The Misfits rule!]

Now I see who they talk of when they say Modern Vampires.
You New Age LeStat you! I wish I could love you without crying and hurting and bleeding...Love you like I used to...

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