Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Give Batcat a Face!

The new item I sneak peeked a little while ago is ready and in the shop!

batcat body memo

A little Batcat dry erase memo body! I am totally a "write it down or I will forget about it" kind of person. Maybe that is why I really like the idea of dry erase memo boards. Leave a little note, reminding, noting or maybe even teasing. I love finding notes to me from people, its super fun!

Like check this out...
blackboard 1

This is a blackboard in my bathroom that people can write cute stuff on. Washroom graffiti! It needs desperately to be repainted due to the humidity of my crappy washroom, but that has to be done outside. I will have to wait until spring.

My dad made this "dog" for my brother when was a little kid, in the shape of his imaginary friend/dog. Imaginary dogs don't have to be dog shaped you know. I bet it you its over 20 years old now. HOLY.

blackboard 2

If I had my way I would have note leaving places all over my house. You never know when you have to draw a taco cat, or remind people about Halloween.

In fast I have a few notes in front of me that say "butternut squash," and "wallz" (No idea what that one is) and "new bloggitude." Life is sweet.

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