Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok, its Monday. It dreary outside and cold in my studio and I feel like I could just crawl under a blanket and watch House (which I downloaded in a totally legal way.) Is someone being a jerk to everyone supposed to make me smile so much? I might be a bad person...

So this weekend a batch of Batcat plush were finished up. I got a request for a more baby-safe doll, and this is what I came up with. They are nice and floppy, and kind of flat, perfect for kids to lay on and beat up.
some dudes

I put one sleepy one in the shop. One is spoken for and the awake one might be photographed tomorrow (when its less dreary.)

Another thing that I will add is my new little phone my Dude got for me. I had the oldest phone on the planet, and the worst part is that it still worked perfectly and dependably. How crappy is that?? I wanted it to break so I could get a new fancy one.

I now have the phone of a 16 year old boy.

I have yet to mar its surface with stickers and junk, but that will happen after the honeymoon period of newness. I think its nice I actually have a use for my Bluetooth now. Sending nonsense to and from my phone. Its like I live in the future. (P.S. My Dude got the 'girl' colour and I got the 'boy' colour. Does that blow your mind how we laugh at typical gender roles? HA.)

Ugh, today is definitely the day I turn the heat on in the apartment. It somehow feels like failure. I always try to go as long as possible without it. But Screw that, its officially friggan cold, and friggan Monday. I have written posts about how I usually feel so optimistic and productive on Mondays. I am so sorry about that. I take it ALL back. I just feel COLD.

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