Friday, July 4, 2008

Something else new.

Its not the sneak peak thing that I posted about before. That isn't quite ready yet...

But! This is a painting process post!


I decided to do a frisket mask on this painting as its of a very white fox surrounded by very deep coloured things. I hate trying to paint out splatter. And I splatter a lot.

Artwork with frisket

I also made a paper template roughly the size of the fox, which I placed down then glued in place around the edges with the frisket. Then I could go nuts and throw paint around.

removing frisket 1

After I completed all the pillows and stuff around the fox, its time to lift up my mask. I use this super old and gross pickup that I have had since time began. They don't wear out they just get bigger and grosser. The frisket sticks to it.

pull up mask

Then pull up my paper mask. Even though it looks messy, its all just yellow frisket and paint on top of it.

clean fox

Tah dah! The white fox is still white! No blobs or messes to try and cover. (Ok, not much...) What a cool invention. I just need to add the foxes shadows and its complete.

Finished Art-Spoiled Fox

And there is the final artwork. The most spoiled arctic fox in the world. Its in the shop!

I have officially decided to become a fox collector. I got a stuffed fox on the weekend, and it broke the seal. Fox crazy. And why shouldn't I be? Foxes are the perfect combo of cat and dog. A super animal!

Ok. I will save my Canada Day pictures/new product reveal/fox gushing until next post.

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