Wednesday, June 18, 2008

JUDE 1st year admission test '08...snippets.

JUDE admission test is over. Phewwwww!! Boy! Do I thank my lucky stars to be alive and sane at the end of it!!!

No. of forms submitted: Roughly 8,500
No. of candidates that turned up: 3,500 to 4,000
Candidates: 90% bloody jerks
5% not jerks but clueless
3% had no idea what they were doing there
1% hadn't collected forms. Were taking the exam assuming it was a walk- in aashun-boshun test.
1% prospective juniors.

-Volunteers got beaten up, YES, BEATEN UP, because darling daddies couldn't find their beloved babies who were supposed to be writing an exam. Point is, dude, your blessed child is taking an exam. He/she, for fuck's sake, is supposed to be sitting in a room writing answers (to questions that they seem to take hours decoding the syntax of). How the bleedin' hell are you supposed to find him/her when you are standing outside the buildings?

-Volunteers got shouted at because parents weren't being allowed inside the exam halls. Nobody wanted to understand that letting in 2x4000=8000, friggin' eight thousand parents (yes, every examinee had two people, ma-baba, ma-mashi, baba-kaka, ma-dada, ma-didi, baba-dada, baba-didi, atleast two people on an average accompanying him/her...two people who desperately wanted to be inextricably linked to the absolutely nidicolous baby just learning to hold a pen.) what was i saying? Yes, nobody wanted to understand that letting in 8000 concerned relatives into the buildings could just have caused a massive ballooning up of the buildings, leaving behind a debris previously known as JU.

-Candidates were oh-so-lovely. Many of them couldn't understand English.(Keep in mind the fact that this was the test for admission into the BA honours in freakin' English.) Yes. Your ears are ok. They could not understand English, let alone speak it. We aren't condemning them for that. All we're saying is, dude, atleast get your name right, for pete's sake!!! Yes I assure you I'm speaking the truth, reader. Many a precious guest fumbled and suffered a nervous breakdown when we asked him/her what his/her name was. So we had to look through the entire stack of forms for that room to match his/her face with his/her photo...

-One dude, our senior, who happened to unfortunately be a fellow-volunteer, got his butt pinched by an elderly lady among the berserk 8000.

-Little children(yes, 18-yr-old children!! Arghhh!! To think I was 17 when I got through this very test 2 years back.), little children didn't know which board they were from.

-Some beautiful answers our candidates penned:-
* A cat and RAT game.
* A rose that has blossomed can never be a RISER(whatever that means) again.
* Defying Greek statues is a dignity.
* Euphoria is a POISON.
* Ajanta is a WALL-CLOCK, and also an ancient DANCE.
* "Autobiography is a biography. When we read Vivekananda it gives us moral of life."
* The sunlight filtered the leaves. (On being asked to correct the sentence "The sunlight filtered into the leaves.")
* Statues are COOL and gods "LIVE IN IT."
* Ibsen is a WORM.
* Improvisation made in dance is the name of the...tarantaraaaa *drumroll* ...GOOD DANCE!!!

-We were sweating like pigs at the end of the 2 and a half hours of directing candidates to their rooms, helping them remember their names, telling them how many pages to fill up for a 10-marks amswer(haha!! they actually asked us that), KEEPING RAMPAGING PARENTS OFF OUR BELOVED JUDE, running to and fro trying to find why a certain abhishek chatterji or a certain rinki das(random names, those) where sitting where they were sitting and NOT where they were SUPPOSED to be sitting...&c &c...

Sighhhh...atleast at the end of it all we got to raid the HOD's office and have as many Frootis as we wanted, and guzzle down as many Appys as we could, not to mention the covetable food packets from Milanda's...the eating and adda and experience-recounting session that followed...
We could do this every year just for that post-exam, post-volunteering fun...and the post posting on our blogs. ha!

And yes. I repeat. I'm happy to be back home, alive and safe.

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