Thursday, June 26, 2008

New stuff is on the way, but its not here yet.

I always do everything myself.

Sometimes I feel all superior (Why? I have no idea) that I do everything myself with my two little hands. I print each print and cut each card. But in reality, doing it all yourself is slow, and for most things, doesn't really matter to most people. Even on Etsy, which is supposed to be handmade goods heaven, the people buy professionally printed stuff like mad.

Anyway, I say this because I am having something printed. I never have stuff printed. I have tried in the past and got crappy results, which soured me. I am also a control freak, and dread terrible results and having to argue about it with someone else. Um, how do I say this without being really unlikeable? People are annoying and no one does anything right but me. <---haha, exaggerated. The really annoying thing about getting stuff printed is that the more you need, the cheaper it gets. So unless you are the type of seller that can move thousands of items, you end up paying a lot for smaller runs. Not to even mention that you have to guess what people will want to buy (I am terrible at that, even after a few years selling batcats to the masses) So its a big fat gamble, and even if you are correct in your guess, it may take a long time to actually sell those billions of printed goodies. Sigh. Here is what is on its way to my mailbox.Its not a big deal at all, its just a big deal to me. If I get these, and they are up to my standards that might open the door to me going printing crazy. This is my test.

Even though I do everything myself now, I want someone else to do everything in the future.

Ok, it may be quiet for a bit,because its Canada Day Weekend!!
Visiting,driving,shopping,eating,drinking,fighting,laughing,recovering. Repeat. We are on our way to Mindless Self Indulgence/The Birthday Massacre show too. I may not survive the weekend. :-)

Yay frontpage today too. Woo! Thanks for the tip phydeaux!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Busy Work

Often, when I am not feeling super creative, or maybe even frustrated, I will go into production mode.

Its nice to just not have to think of anything fantastic, or interesting or creative and just "do work." I needed to replenish my pin set supply, so I got on it. Its a good rainy day project anyway.
First, I print out all the pins I need. I make sheets of pins in Photoshop. Then its time to cut and cut and cut them out... Maybe a couple of hundred?
When the images are ready, its time to assemble the pins. Each little pin takes 5 separate pieces.
Here is my little set up. Ok, its my set up before it got super messy. Ok, Ok, its before I started doing ANYTHING. The button press has a handle you pull in twice to set different parts of the button. Its the kind of mindless task you can do while watching tv. After making thousands of pins, you just robotically put the pieces into the press and before you know it you are finished.
And here is a TON of buttons waiting for their pin backs. I love when I have a big huge pile of buttons, its like when people in movies throw money in the air and clutch it in joy. I just get button joy. I promise I don't clutch or throw them. Much.

And then they all get their respective backing cards, which I didn't think I needed a photo of. It would be a picture of a printer anyway. I just print sheets of them and carefully cut them out.

It doesn't seem like inventory much when its in a box, but there are tons of sets in there. I also make little bags of completed pins and print more backing cards as I need them.

So now I am restocked with pin sets, and yesterday I restocked my ACEO's. Maybe I will do a photo post about ACEO assembly too! Ok, now I am just LOOKING for busy work... :-)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

JUDE 1st year admission test '08...snippets.

JUDE admission test is over. Phewwwww!! Boy! Do I thank my lucky stars to be alive and sane at the end of it!!!

No. of forms submitted: Roughly 8,500
No. of candidates that turned up: 3,500 to 4,000
Candidates: 90% bloody jerks
5% not jerks but clueless
3% had no idea what they were doing there
1% hadn't collected forms. Were taking the exam assuming it was a walk- in aashun-boshun test.
1% prospective juniors.

-Volunteers got beaten up, YES, BEATEN UP, because darling daddies couldn't find their beloved babies who were supposed to be writing an exam. Point is, dude, your blessed child is taking an exam. He/she, for fuck's sake, is supposed to be sitting in a room writing answers (to questions that they seem to take hours decoding the syntax of). How the bleedin' hell are you supposed to find him/her when you are standing outside the buildings?

-Volunteers got shouted at because parents weren't being allowed inside the exam halls. Nobody wanted to understand that letting in 2x4000=8000, friggin' eight thousand parents (yes, every examinee had two people, ma-baba, ma-mashi, baba-kaka, ma-dada, ma-didi, baba-dada, baba-didi, atleast two people on an average accompanying him/her...two people who desperately wanted to be inextricably linked to the absolutely nidicolous baby just learning to hold a pen.) what was i saying? Yes, nobody wanted to understand that letting in 8000 concerned relatives into the buildings could just have caused a massive ballooning up of the buildings, leaving behind a debris previously known as JU.

-Candidates were oh-so-lovely. Many of them couldn't understand English.(Keep in mind the fact that this was the test for admission into the BA honours in freakin' English.) Yes. Your ears are ok. They could not understand English, let alone speak it. We aren't condemning them for that. All we're saying is, dude, atleast get your name right, for pete's sake!!! Yes I assure you I'm speaking the truth, reader. Many a precious guest fumbled and suffered a nervous breakdown when we asked him/her what his/her name was. So we had to look through the entire stack of forms for that room to match his/her face with his/her photo...

-One dude, our senior, who happened to unfortunately be a fellow-volunteer, got his butt pinched by an elderly lady among the berserk 8000.

-Little children(yes, 18-yr-old children!! Arghhh!! To think I was 17 when I got through this very test 2 years back.), little children didn't know which board they were from.

-Some beautiful answers our candidates penned:-
* A cat and RAT game.
* A rose that has blossomed can never be a RISER(whatever that means) again.
* Defying Greek statues is a dignity.
* Euphoria is a POISON.
* Ajanta is a WALL-CLOCK, and also an ancient DANCE.
* "Autobiography is a biography. When we read Vivekananda it gives us moral of life."
* The sunlight filtered the leaves. (On being asked to correct the sentence "The sunlight filtered into the leaves.")
* Statues are COOL and gods "LIVE IN IT."
* Ibsen is a WORM.
* Improvisation made in dance is the name of the...tarantaraaaa *drumroll* ...GOOD DANCE!!!

-We were sweating like pigs at the end of the 2 and a half hours of directing candidates to their rooms, helping them remember their names, telling them how many pages to fill up for a 10-marks amswer(haha!! they actually asked us that), KEEPING RAMPAGING PARENTS OFF OUR BELOVED JUDE, running to and fro trying to find why a certain abhishek chatterji or a certain rinki das(random names, those) where sitting where they were sitting and NOT where they were SUPPOSED to be sitting...&c &c...

Sighhhh...atleast at the end of it all we got to raid the HOD's office and have as many Frootis as we wanted, and guzzle down as many Appys as we could, not to mention the covetable food packets from Milanda's...the eating and adda and experience-recounting session that followed...
We could do this every year just for that post-exam, post-volunteering fun...and the post posting on our blogs. ha!

And yes. I repeat. I'm happy to be back home, alive and safe.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's 2:30am at night

...And I feel sick.

And generally low.


And tomorrow(well, today actually) JUDE hosts the Kumbh-mela of JU, BA 1st yr English honours admission test.
This time we're examining 3000 hopefuls.
Wonder how many bharsees we'll find this year.

And for that I have to report at college at 9. Bloody 9am.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th, born bad.

Yeah, its my birthday.

I received my little gift from my dude, which was wrapped in a super deceiving way.Isn't it cute.

Little fatty iPod. aww.

He gave me a little gift bag with junk food in it. The iPod was hidden in a litte chip bag which he had sealed really well so it looked unopened. Until I picked it up I didn't even know. I was like "chips???" haw haw.

So this little guy replaces my *much* loved last pink iPod, which still works but after years of constant recharging, is loosing its will to live.The old one lived though a lot. It deserves props.
-being dropped on the concrete floor of the stockroom I used to work in (three times at least) I would sneak it in. Whahaha! Big dents on corners, but works like a charm.
-chocolate smushed into the click wheel by a dude who will remain nameless at a birthday party.
-stepped on once, made a mark on screen that remains black all the time. Poor little fella.

It seems I am hard on my things, but in reality, this little iPod just lives near the door and at the bottom of a purse and has a rough life. I think its actually really amazing it can withstand it all.

But the new one rocks my freaking socks. I loaded it up with 1500 songs and videos of drunk people at parties and rocko meowing, and pics of my family and junk and stuff.

Thanks dude.Rocko also approves. OF THE TASTE.

Oh yeah, and it matches my hair.:-D

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Random thoughts

*Apparently We(2009) are a totally godawful uncool batch. Friggin' bunch of moron-headed pissters...bleh. whatever that means. but we are uncool no doubt. zooniars could teach us better. about cool and other crap. i feel frustrated. meh!

*My vocabulary? Where are you??

*Why do orkut and facebook upset/depress/irritate/enrage me?

*Why do I need the pills?

*Aajkal shob aam tok kano?

*I think I could replace Hetfield as front(wo)man of Metallica.
Wyaaah!!! (Realising I couldn't actually, even if I were reborn 14 times and over.)

*eh eh eh??!
I'm so I-centred.

*Why do I have to turn 20 so fast??(that's September this year)...And then why does everyone in the batch have to be older than me?

*Red candles are used for charms.

Reed reed how I do love you

I'm so so in love with my thinness.
It's one part of me I really love without any bloody second thought.
I weigh 50 and my vital stats stand at 33-27-36.
So call me anorexic and all the shit you want to for all I care. And the world might lose their head over JLo dumb curves. But me, no sir, I wouldn't for the world trade my thinness for any shit you offer.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hear hear!!!

The Part of You That No One Sees

You are unique, witty, and even a little snobby.

You're quite proud of who you are, and nothing is going to change that.

You've paved your own way in life, and you've ended up where you want to be.

Underneath it all, you feel very isolated from the rest of the world.

It's hard to find people to relate to you on every level.

The mundane interests of your friends and family often bore or depress you.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Brother Beloved...

Rarely does life gift you trivial things (like a doodle by your brother) that are so bloody hilarious you simply have to post them on your blog. Now this is something i found irresistibly postable...
This thing is ME, as seen,and, consequently, depicted by my pesky lil bro(okay, he's 17. but like, waddaheck!) The longish thing seen poking out of the lips of the apparition was intended to depict a fag, and the objects sticking out of the right pocket are ostensibly 'mod er botol's.


Evidently my beloved sibling considers me severely debauched,and, simultaneously, unhinged beyond recovery...

PS: I know the guitar thing doesn't look remotely like one...but then try telling him that.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Working on things that are boring.

I have had websites since I was in highschool. But in all the years from then until now, I haven't actually gotten better at building them.

Its kind of a necessary evil, so I make them. But I am basically unable to care about stuff I suck at. Its a personality flaw. So they come out pretty basic.

My new one isn't finished yet. Its coming. Soon. Hopefully?
You can tell by the pressure of my furious pencil scribbling how frustrating I find the whole thing. These comics make laugh. Laugh that I put crap like this low quality comic on the interwebs.

Here is a little sneak peek at a new website graphic...I decided to ditch my "super clean digital" look that for some reason I had associated with a "real" website. Who knows why I thought that would represent my work. I splatter. There should be splatter!

I redid my banner for my Etsy shop too. I wish the banner was a bit bigger. I tried like 50 different layouts, but none could fit Batcat's ears in unless he was horizontal.
Ok, that uploaded really tiny, but you want to go to the shop anyway to see the larger one... (I am a marketing genius.)

So off to make more website content. *drags feet like a five year old*

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The dead rise and review...

Portishead - Third

11 years (!) after their last studio album was released, Portishead have returned with an album that is dark and obscure, an often jarring listen. It is also pretty damn fantastic. This is powerful, intimate music that really asks to be listened to on its own terms - while the trip-hop sound that Portishead helped to popularize became watered down by subsequent followers into inoffensive, background 'chillout' music (Morcheeba, anyone?), "Third" is more tense than even Portishead's previous works. The first few tracks recall the retro-cinema vibe of much of their first two albums, but the band soon move into weirder, more personal territory. 'Nylon Smile' rolls along with a hand-drum rhythm, 'The Rip' is morose and pretty with an acoustic guitar backing up Beth Gibbons (until analog synths and drums wash in halfway through), while 'Magic Doors' is almost defiant. My favourite track, though, is the aptly-named 'Machine Gun' which features a back-breaking drum loop. And of course this should be a given, but it bears saying that Beth Gibbons' vocals are the star of the show on this album. Highly recommended (just don't put it on at a party).
-N. Zombie

N. Zombie will be reviewing only zombie approved awesome albums weekly, to brighten your dreary existence. Or the opposite. Or whatever. :-)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

1st post of second blog.

The name of this blog is the refrain of Nirvana's Sliver.
And the tiny about-the-blog thingie is the refrain of Come As You Are.
For the uninitiated.

This blog'll be a generally shitty not-worth-reading-adolescent-day-to-day-week-to-week thing, which'll be so random I have absofreakinlutely no idea what else it will house. When it begins taking shape that is.