Monday, May 5, 2008

Urge to kill rising.

Ok, as stated in posts before I SUCK at silk screening.

I thought being truthful about it would somehow help me? Maybe I would prove myself wrong and everything would go great!


The worst silkscreen in history

My burn looked good, but then as I clumsily washed it out in my tub, it started to lighten around the edges! I guess this was water causing it to lift? Maybe I hadn't let it burn long enough, maybe my transparency wasn't tight enough to the screen...Anyway, I let it dry, fixed any pinholes, tried a bit of a patch up on some areas and gave it a shot.

What a MESS.


I only got one print that wasn't a complete wash.
Sneak peek of disaster
So I think it has to be redone. Half of the screen prints perfectly, and half is terrible. I think the key to my future success is the way I rinse it out. I was pretty rough and careless, and I think I learned something.

I can say this all calmly now because my insane anger at this screen has worn off and I no longer want to kick it into the sun like the Hulk.

So silk screened totes and tees will have to wait a bit longer.
In the meantime
-I have redesigned my dry erase boards to be WAY cheaper and they can be shipped way cheaper (Yayyy!)
-I have two completed separate wedding projects I can post later on in the week. Cutenesssss. I swear.
-I have some sketches waiting to be made into paintings.
Sketch of...something.

-Oh, and listen to the new NIN album. FREE download! Its should be at the top of the To Do list. Thanks Mr.Reznor, you made my day.

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