Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Do you read any other Crafty blogs? I do, I read tons and tons. Do you know what most of them are missing? BALLS.

Not that I think this blog actually has this. I admit it doesn't. Since I change to Blogger its been a little "sugar and spice and everything nice." I am working on that. Trying to change back to my earlier Xanga writing self.

Oh yeah the balls....Crafty blogs are a sea of cutesy, sugar topped, sweeties and sugars and lovlies and snugglies. Which has its place, but I feel like everyone is channeling one personality. This personality is this perfect Indie craft girl, who sews owls and bakes banana bread and collects vintage tea towels or whatever. But thats only part of a person. What about your bad days, things that annoy you, stuff that embarrassed you, parties with friends that weren't tea parties, days when you wore jeans!

So props to those girls out there who have regular days and spill coffee on their shirts and get annoyed by people at the mall. I think you are awesome if you write about that between posts about the fantastic things you make. I love that.

Why did I think of this? Because I just wrote the post below this one on Facebook and almost censored myself from putting it on my blog. What a wuss! :-P

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